July 14, 2024

Listening to Baikundo Yūzen

Originating in the 17th century, Yūzen is a traditional Japanese resist dyeing technique used to quickly produce vividly illustrated kimono fabrics. Appearing to be painted freehand with dye, Yūzen is created by using rice-paste stenciled onto fabric to create a pattern. Various colors of dye are then painted within the stenciled image. The dye is set by steaming and then the rice paste stencil is washed away. Named after Miyazaki Yūzen, a renown Edo period fan painter, Yūzen created intricate patters of colors and textures that are clearly distinguished from one another, separated by white lines where the rice paste pattern was applied to the fabric. Just as with the separation of colors seen in Yūzen fabrics, Baikundo has created a unique fragrant interpretation of Yūzen, highlighting the five tastes of the Gomi with distinct separation in a wonderful tapestry of fragrance.

Released in 2016, Yuzen is a blend of several types of sandalwood mixed with vanilla, cinnamon, and traditional aromatics. Described as "incense of “seven changes in fragrance,” Yuzen combines the five tastes of the Gomi into a lively dance of sweetness." Created by Baikundo’s incense masters, Yuzen has a fragrance that is alive and changeable, blending a variety of delicious fragrances in a masterful expression of sweet scents.

Yūzen's unlit greenish brown stick is sweet, light, and full of vanilla tones. The box has a lovely sweet smell, full of vanilla and cinnamon like a sweet confection in a small package. Unlit, Yūzen is uniform, light and sweet, with a softness that is comforting and inviting.

Once lit Yūzen takes on a remarkable change, coming to life in a series of shifts in fragrance highlighting the five tastes of the Gomi. At first there is a strong note that is salty with a tinge of bitterness to it. Full of savory tones, Yūzen seems reminiscent of a spicy sandalwood with a distinctly salty note. This then gives way to the vanilla sweetness seen in the unlit stick. However, this note takes on not only the sweet tones of vanilla, but also a toasted quality, like marshmallow melted over a campfire. In time, a spicy cinnamon note takes center stage, sharp and clear with a distinctly toasted flavor as well. These three prominent notes continue to dance together, each randomly taking the lead in turn like an intricate kimono pattern.

In time the more subtle of Yūzen's notes make themselves known, often through the variety of different sandalwood used. As the stick heats up, what feels like a lovely Indonesian sandalwood sourness, low and wild appears. There is a short but sharp resinous spiciness that feels like Rozan sandalwood that appears in short bursts highlighting its cinnamon notes. In between the vanilla notes every so often the smooth sweet creaminess of traditional Indian sandalwood makes an appearance. Finally, ever so briefly, there is the occasional bitter note balancing the sweeter tones, like a roasted sandalwood on an open coal. But throughout, these notes each take turn dancing separately, creating a wonderfully mutable variety to Yūzen's fragrance.

Additionally, Yūzen has an especially unique trait in that its fragrance not only shifts and takes on distinctly different notes over time, but that the fragrance given off begins to occupy different spaces as it drifts from the burner. Getting up and moving around reveals a different fragrance, with one note near the burner, another while standing, another five feet away, and yet another in the adjoining space. This experience shifts with each new stick, creating unique patterns of fragrance different from the last.  It is easy to walk with Yūzen, experiencing a range of distinct fragrances as one moves through a space, encountering them like fragrant memories of different moments during the burn.

Yūzen's after-note shifts to a cool, light sweetness with a vanilla overtone. At times almost powdery and floral, the vanilla note is soft and sweet, light and airy. Fading slowly over time, Yūzen's fragrance leaves a cool sweetness in its wake, a reminder of the intricate pattern of fragrance experienced during the burn.

One of the more unique incenses we've experienced, Yūzen highlights a variety of distinct fragrances from the five tastes of the Gomi in a lovely tapestry of individual fragrances. Like intricately dyed kimono fabric, Yūzen is rich, elegant, and a feast for the senses. With a decidedly sweet focus, a slightly reduced smoke level, and its changeable nature, Yūzen perfect for when a fragrant pick me up is desired.

  In my garden blooms
each flower's beauty
separated only by their uniqueness.
Yūzen is available in the following size:
Small box of approximately 100 sticks