Created by Baikundo’s incense masters, Yuzen has a fragrance that is alive and changeable, blending a variety of delicious fragrances in an masterful expression of sweet scents. Released in 2016, Yuzen is a blend of several types of sandalwood mixed with vanilla, cinnamon, and traditional aromatics.
Creating and incense of “seven changes in fragrance,” Yuzen combines the five tastes of the Gomi into a lively dance of sweetness. As the fragrance shifts and transforms during the burn, the scent of sandalwood is employed to calm the mind, vanilla to release tension and elevate the mood, and cinnamon to promote positivity, harmonizing the listener through fragrance. A reduced smoke incense, Yuzen is perfect for when a fragrant pick me up is desired.
Key Note: Sandalwood, Vanilla, Cinnamon
Stick Length: 5.5 inches
Stick Count: Approx. 100
Approx. Burn Time: 25 minutes