In Shu-ju Sasora, Yamadamatsu captures the sweet and savory qualities of the Rikkoku Nation of Manaban, highlighting Aloeswood from unknown locations brought by the Portuguese nanban traders, now believed to be of northeast Indian origins.
Shu-Ju Series:
Named Shogun in 1449, Ashikaga Yoshimasa assembled the leading experts of the time to develop an Aloeswood classification system for his extensive collection. Key among them Shino Soshin and Sanjonishi Sanetakawould go on to form the two leading schools of Kodo still in existence today: Sanjonishi founding the Oie-Ryu School and Shino founding the Shino-Ryu School. Together with others, Shino and Sanjonishi would create the Rikkoku-gomi - the Six Nations and Five Tastes at the heart of Kodo, and still used to classify Aloeswood to this day.
Made from fragrant woods of the highest quality rarely seen today, Yamadamatsu's Shu-Ju series represent the characteristics of each of the Six Nations of the Rikkoku-gomi. Perfect for listening to incense, the Shu-ju series represents an exemplary sampling of the rare jewels of Aloeswood at the heart of Kodo.
Key Note: Aloeswood from Assam
Stick Length: 5.5 inches
Burn Time: Approx. 30 minutes
Stick Count:
Presentation Sleeve: 15
Kiri Wood Box: Approx. 55