Reminiscent of the sweet fragrance of thousands of cherry blossoms that cover the world famous Yoshino Mountain in the springtime, Shunkohdo Yoshino no Haru blends premium Indonesian Aloeswood with sweet aromatic spices into a light and delightfully sweet fragrance. Featuring a captivating blend of mellow Aloeswood bitterness and soft elegant sweetness, Yoshino no Haru is a gentle and peaceful fragrance like sunshine dappled through spring cherry blossoms.
Flowering cherries
Blossoming in the mountains
of fair Yoshino -
betrayed by unwary eyes,
we mistake them for snowflakes.
- Kokin Wakashu
Shunkohdo Luxury Incense Series (See All):
Representing the pinnacle of Shunkohdo's incense craftsmanship, the Luxury Incense Series features the highest quality woods and traditional aromatics each exquisitely blended and themed to Japanese traditions.
Key Note: Premium Indonesian Aloeswood, aromatic spices
Stick Length: 5.5 inches
Stick Count: Approx. 125
Approx. Burn Time: 25 minutes